Wednesday, September 26, 2012

PND intake 2010/2011 Graduation Day..

Today is the most best day for us because we graduate our Pre-National Diploma.yay!=) and I can't wait to Graduate my Diploma with my new friends.But at the same time, I'm a bit sad and dissappointed because I can't graduate my National Diploma with my friends due to repeat programmed thing.='( But, this year I'll will do my best to passed all subject during examination.aaaaminn. All the best to all my friends for the Phase test 1 on this November.I hope you all do well during examination.yeahh.#marinersareawesome.\m/

In these pictures, we are waiting to take our certificates in marine engineering classroom 4 & 5.=)

Taking pictures with our long lost friend, Afif.hahaa.=)

We took pictures together for our graduation as memories.Congratulation my friends.=')

The day before graduation day..

In these images, we were given a briefing about discipline during graduation day, where a gathering place and practice taking our certificates correctly.